Every Cosplayer Should Know These 10 Things

10 Things every Cosplayer Should Know

Cosplay is a wonderful and expressive hobby that allows individuals to celebrate their favorite characters and stories. Whether you’re just starting out or have been dabbling in it for a while, there are a few important things to understand before fully immersing yourself into the world of cosplay.

  1. Cosplay is a Hobby, Not a Career
    Some people have managed to turn cosplay into a profession and even make some money, this is the exception, not the rule. Most cosplayers invest their time and resources for personal enjoyment rather than profit. If you happen to break even—or even make a little money—you’re incredibly fortunate. Remember, many of those who succeed professionally started years ago, often when the cosplay community was much smaller. Focus on the fun and creativity, not the financial gain.
  2. Cosplay is an Investment
    Creating a costume requires a significant investment of time, money, or both. And that’s just the beginning. As you get more involved, you’ll find yourself spending hours perfecting details, experimenting with techniques, and occasionally enduring literal blood, sweat, and tears. Hot glue burns, needle pricks, and sleepless nights are often part of the process. These challenges, however, make the end result all the more rewarding.
  3. Embrace the Emotional Rollercoaster
    Crafting a cosplay can be an emotional journey. You will experience moments of frustration and self-doubt, followed by bursts of excitement and pride when a project comes together. Deadlines, whether for a convention or an event, can add to the pressure, but they can also motivate you to push your limits. Allow yourself to feel these highs and lows; they’re part of the creative process.
  4. Popularity is Not the Goal
    Cosplay should be about your enjoyment, not about gaining attention. While it’s thrilling to have people recognize your hard work and ask for photos, the real joy comes from connecting with someone who truly appreciates your character or craftsmanship. A single heartfelt compliment often means more than dozens of casual snapshots.
  5. Steer Clear of Drama
    As with any community, the cosplay world has its share of drama. The best way to navigate it is to avoid it altogether. Don’t engage in gossip, don’t instigate conflict, and don’t fuel existing tensions. Focus on positivity and surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion.
  6. Be Aware of Creepers
    Unfortunately, inappropriate behavior can occur at conventions. Always remain vigilant. If you notice someone acting inappropriately speak up or alert event staff. This can be someone taking invasive photos or making someone uncomfortable in any way. As a community, it’s important to look out for one another and ensure everyone feels safe and respected.
  7. Respect Personal Boundaries
    Consent is crucial. Never touch another cosplayer or their costume without permission. This rule applies to everyone, whether you’re in costume or not. A lot of time and effort goes into these creations, and unwanted physical contact can damage both the costume and the experience.
  8. Don’t Judge a Fandom by One Cosplayer
    Every fandom has its share of bad apples, but one individual doesn’t define an entire community. If you encounter someone unpleasant, remember they’re an outlier, not the standard. Avoid making sweeping generalizations based on one negative experience.
  9. Don’t Judge a Cosplayer by their Fandom
    Similarly, don’t let your opinions about a fandom color your perception of a cosplayer. You may not share their interests, but you both share a passion for cosplay. Focus on your commonalities rather than your differences—or simply walk away if you can’t.
  10. Have Fun
    Above all, cosplay should bring you joy. If you find yourself stressed, unmotivated, or unhappy, take a step back and reassess why you’re doing it. Sometimes, all it takes is a break or a new project to reignite your passion. And if it turns out cosplay isn’t for you, that’s okay too—there are countless other hobbies out there waiting to be explored.

Cosplay is an art form that combines creativity, perseverance, and community. By embracing its challenges and joys, you can make the most of this incredible hobby. Now grab your sewing machine, hot glue gun, or paintbrush, and let your imagination soar!

Originally Published on PopCultHQ.com in 2017

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